The consumer benefits from a period of 14 calendar days to withdraw from a remote contract or an off-premises contract without having to justify the decision to withdraw.
The following shall be exempted from the right of withdrawal in respect of remote contracts and off-premises contracts, but not limited to:
- – the supply of products which are liable to deteriorate or expire rapidly,
- – the supply of sealed products which can not be returned for health protection or hygiene reasons and which have been unsealed by the consumer;
- – the supply of products which are, after delivery, based on their nature, inseparably mixed with other elements;
The return period expires within 14 calendar days from:
- (a) the date of contract conclusion, in case of provision of services contracts;
- (b) the day on which the consumer or a third party other than the carrier and who is indicated by the consumer takes physical possession of the products, in case of sales contracts, or:
- (i) if the consumer orders by a single order multiple products to be delivered separately, the day on which the consumer or a third party other than the carrier and who is indicated by the consumer takes physical possession of the last product;
- (ii) in case of delivery of a product consisting of several batches or parts, the day on which the consumer or a third party other than the carrier and who is indicated by the consumer takes physical possession of the last product or part;
Unless the Seller has offered to recover the products himself, the Consumer returns the products or hands them to the Seller or to a person authorized by the Seller to receive the products, without undue delay and within a maximum of 14 calendar days from the date on which he communicated to the Seller his decision for product return. The deadline is met if the products are returned by the consumer before the expiry of the 14 calendar day period.
The Consumer only bears the direct costs related to the return of the products, unless the Seller agrees to bear those costs.
The Consumer shall be liable only for the reduction in the value of the products resulting from their handling, different from what is necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and operation of the products.
If a product that shows physical changes is returned by the consumer, that is to say, the product is hit, chipped, scratched, stained, damaged, impregnated with external substances, cracked, and this aspect is not mentioned as an aesthetic defect within the first 48 hours after receipt of the product, then the consumer is responsible for the decrease in the value of the product resulting from its handling, which exceeds the limit necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and operation of the good. The unsealing of product consumable accessories is also considered an action not accepted by the seller and which leads, as a consequence, to the decrease of the product value.
The used products, which present physical changes and not reported as aesthetic defects in the first 48 hours after receiving the product, are accepted upon return, but the seller will retain from the value of the products a compliance fee for reducing their value.
The compliance fee is represented by the costs of sanitizing, cosmetizing, repairing, replacing any damaged parts and bringing to a commercial form for sale as a RECONDITIONED product.
The final amount of the compliance fee shall be determined based on the value of the parts to be replaced and the reconditioning amount or as the difference between the initial value of the new product and the resale value of the used product. If the returned product can no longer be reconditioned due to major physical wearing/modifications, then it will be deemed that the amount of the compliance fee is equal to the value of the returned product.
The compliance fee will be communicated to the Consumer as soon as it is established by the seller.
KitchenShop shall pay back the amounts it has received as payment from the consumer within 14 calendar days from the date on which it is informed of the consumer’s decision to withdraw from the contract, only if the consumer has exercised his right of withdrawal within the time limit. KitchenShop may defer the refund until the date of the receipt of products that were the subject of the sale or until the moment of receipt of a proof from the end-user that he has sent the products to the supplier, taking into account the earliest date. KitchenShop will use the same payment methods as those used by the consumer for the initial transaction, unless the consumer has agreed to another payment method and to the condition that the consumer is not responsible for the payment of commissions following reimbursement.
If the return of products or a product, in case of orders with multiple products, from an Order that has benefited from free shipping causes the total value of the original order to be subtracted below the eligible value for free shipping from the total amount to be paid back, the value of the transport initially offered will be withheld. KitchenShop shall not have the obligation to pay back the additional costs if the consumer has explicitly chosen a different type of delivery than the standard delivery provided by the professional.
In order to exercise your right of withdrawal, you have to inform us of your decision to withdraw from this contract using the e-mail address [email protected]. If the return is generated by aesthetic problems of the product or visible defects, you have to send us legible photos (on all sides/angles, including on the top and bottom of the product) of the entire product that you want to return. Legible photographs mean clear images of the object, capable of rendering in full the object to be returned.
Your decision to withdraw from this contract may be made using the following methods:
- An unequivocal statement sent by e-mail/post.
- E-mail address for notifications: [email protected]
- Template of withdrawal form provided for on the website
The Consumer’s obligation to send the legible photographs of the product he wishes to return will be considered met, if the e-mail containing the legible photos of the product is received at the e-mail address indicated above, on the day of submitting to the postal services/by e-mail of the withdrawal decision/form.
If the Consumer does not send to the e-mail address indicated on the day of the decision of withdrawal (regardless of the method of communication chosen) the requested legible photographs or submits illegible or incomplete photographs (for example, a single photograph will be taken, which will not be able to include the image of the entire product), it will be relatively presumed that the returned product has physical changes caused by the Consumer, which is why the compliance fee clauses become fully applicable.
The consumer expressly understands and undertakes his obligation incumbent on him to send legible photographs of the entire product to the e-mail address indicated above, on the day of exercise of the withdrawal right, as well as the consequences of non-compliance with it.
The waiver of purchase within 14 calendar days from the receipt of the product is applicable only to consumers who are natural persons who have purchased the product in a remote manner. The deadline is met if the products are sent back before the expiry of the 14 calendar day period.
The legal person, as a Buyer, does not have the possibility to withdraw from a contract concluded in a remote manner or from a contract concluded outside the commercial premises. However, the products purchased by a legal person can be returned within 48 hours of their receipt, only if they have manufacturing defects or if they are not running. The Seller does not take any responsibility for the handling, transport, assembling performed by the Customer and does not accept the return of the products that have defects resulting from these.
The delivery of other products than those requested (products that were wrongly delivered, which do not have the specifications on the site or the products lacking all the related components/accessories) has to be reported to the representatives of the, by a written notice to the e-mail address [email protected], within 48 hours of receiving the products. The consumer may request the return of the product for replacement, and if the product is no longer in stock, he may opt for replacement with a similar product or may request the dissolution/termination of the contract. If it is agreed to replace the product by a product of a higher value, the consumer will pay the difference, i.e. if the value is lower, the consumer will receive a partial refund up to the value of the substitute product. In these situations Our Store24 reimburses without undue delay all the amounts paid under the contract by the consumer and within 7 days from the date on which the consumer communicated to the professional his decision to terminate the contract. The return and transport costs for the replacement product, if any, shall be borne by the I read and I agree